Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the 'Movement Health' Course!

    2. Introduction - Let's begin

    1. Day 1 | Introduction & To-Bring

    2. Day 1 | Part 1 | Shaking, Breath & Ceremony

    3. Day 1 | Part 2 | 360° Breathing Routine

    4. Day 1 | Part 3 | Floor Breathing Introduction

    5. Day 1 | Part 4 | Feet-Up-The-Wall Routine

    1. Day 2 | Introduction & To-Bring

    2. Day 2 | Part 1 | Box Breathing

    3. Day 2 | Part 2 | Join Rotations

    4. Day 2 | Part 3 | Spirals & Cogs

    1. Day 3 | Introduction & To-Bring

    2. Day 3 | Part 1 | Balance Pre-Test

    3. Day 3 | Part 2 | Baby Get-Ups

    4. Day 3 | Part 3 | Balance & Re-Test

    1. Day 4 | Introduction & To-Bring

    2. Day 4 | Part 1 | Mr. E's Office Rescue Routine

    3. Day 4 | Part 2 | Balcony QiGong & Standing Meditation

    4. Day 4 | Part 3 | Chinese Self-Massage and Tapping

    5. Day 4 | Part 4 | BONUS | Mr. E's Neck Release

    1. Congratulations! And greetings from Mr. E :)

About this course

  • Free
  • 21 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content